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How to create a stellar profile on Pelpr
How to create a stellar profile on Pelpr
Updated over a week ago

Your profile is your first impression to employers, so be sure to set your best foot forward!

The following recommendations are key areas to focus on improving your profile strength and attracting more interview requests on Pelpr.

Job Role

We suggest choosing the role from our list that best aligns with your desired position. If you need to update your role while using our platform, please don't hesitate to contact our Support team for assistance.

Profile Photo

Include a profile photo, ideally of yourself. If that makes you uncomfortable at all, no problem. You can add an alternative such as an image of a hobby, your hometown or anything that best represents you to ensure your profile looks complete. Show some personality but keep it professional.

Portfolio / Website Link

If you include a personal website or portfolio that’s password-protected, be sure to include your password on your profile (in your headline).

Headline / Summary

This is an important highlight as it's the first item employers see in their search. Rather than listing your current job title, feel free to get creative with an appealing one-liner about who you are as a professional. Make sure it speaks to where you're headed next.


Leverage this section to attract your dream company culture, company size, technologies you want to work with or other priorities. When we suggest your profile to our companies, your Preferences section items will appear to them as "Matches" and "Mismatches". In theory, you will receive more interview requests from companies with "Matches" and fewer from those with "Mismatches" as the latter will give companies pause before sending you an interview request. However, it's important to keep in mind your Preferences section acts more as a suggestion than a filter and some companies with "Mismatches" may still reach out.

Hybrid/on-site and fully remote

Pelpr offers hybrid/in-office work opportunities in major tech hub cities, as well as global remote work. Although the office landscape is evolving, there remains a high demand for hybrid/in-office roles. Considering hybrid/in-office options can enhance your profile visibility to our companies.

When selecting hybrid/in-office roles and choosing locations, we recommend prioritizing 5-7 cities. There’s no need to include all neighbourhoods within each city, as matches will be based on a radius within each market.

If you are open to hybrid/in-office and fully remote, you will be asked your preference. You may select one or the other, or you can select all to indicate both are equally desirable.


Ensure you are setting your minimum base salary expectation (or minimum hourly rate) to remain competitive in the market. Be mindful not to undervalue yourself as it may communicate a lack of competency or confidence in your abilities to perform at your best.

Work Experience

For each of your past roles, include 2-3 bullet points from your resume. Highlight your achievements and specify the technologies or tools you used. This is crucial, as employers want to understand the skills and technologies you have applied in each position. If you have an extensive work history, focus primarily on your most recent 2-3 jobs, and provide shorter, more concise descriptions for your older positions.


This section allows you to showcase your educational background. Include your degrees, especially those relevant to your target field. Highlight your Computer Science degree if you have one, as it is particularly advantageous.

Courses & Certifications

If you are self-taught, rest assured that companies are becoming more flexible about this requirement, though they may focus more on your CS fundamentals during interviews. If you completed an online course or certification, you can list it under this section.

Honor & Awards

If you have received an honour or award from an industry-recognized institution; please add to this section.


If you have any of your work published e.g. Research or articles and you want to highlight it in your profile, please add 3-5 of your best work to highlight your achievement.


If you have any personal or professional projects you have contributed to and want to showcase to the employer; please add to this section.


Please ensure that your top 3 skills accurately reflect your experience, listed in order of priority. This influences how you appear in search results based on our matching algorithm and employers’ search criteria. Whenever possible, include broadly appealing skills rather than very niche ones. Utilize the ‘Skills’ section, at the end of the profile page to showcase 5-10 additional skills or technologies you have experience with. Avoid long lists and focus on one role and relevant set of skills at a time instead of presenting yourself as a generalist.


If you are a programmer, be sure to dedicate some time to earning Pelpr Assessments Badges to show off your skills. This is also great practice for technical interviews. You are 2x more likely to receive an interview as a programmer when you are badged. It’s one of the most valuable signals of great talent that employers look for on a profile.

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